In The Caddy

In the caddy frame of mind.

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2019 Coming to an End

Thank God for small favors. 2019 has been one of the rougher years of my life. I don't blast my personal life online because I am just not one of those people. Let's just say there has been alot of change. Some of it self inflicted and some not.

Beginning of the year found me excited and working on a project I felt had promise. A person that has no idea how to run an IT department did exactly that, run it, straight in to the ground. I moved on.

I found my next opportunity and things were just as messed up. No one in charge and no one leading the way. It became apparent to me that this opportunity was not going to work for me. I cannot work at a place knowing I am not providing value and just sitting back collecting a paycheck. I have to be helping and moving forward. So if I cannot contribute in a meaningful way then it is best to move on.

This year the plan was always for my wife to be a stay at home Mom. We did it but it came with many challenges. Getting back to one income. The uncertainty that my income would be. Budgeting and not being able to do everything we wanted to do without concern for money. Now don't get me wrong we are still fine, just getting used to the new normal. Well my paying my mortgage twice in one month because of a change at my bank didn't help things for sure. But here at the end of the year we are definitely settling in to this new norm.

I have seen so many friends talk about how hard 2019 has been. I agree for sure. This only means that 2020 can only be so much better.

I am not one for resolutions. However, I do believe in setting goals. This year all my websites will get done. I will start marketing them all full time. I will find a way to get out of the rut I am in with a lack of motivation towards my work. Programming has gotten boring but I know I can find a way around that. With my christmas gifts this year I am excited about my new gym in the garage and plan to use it fully all year. Again not resolutions but goal. With a goal in mind it becomes tasks and accomplishing little task everyday end in a goal being accomplished. That is what I am set out to do in 2020. So Happy New Year to anyone that might read this.

Blog Ideas

Always on the look out for something good to get into. If you have suggestions or ideas that you want to share please reach out and let me know. Email Me